Extend Parodealia

Today’s Daily Extend asked us to look for a face in the wild. This ability to find a pattern where one does not exist is called Paroealia. I read the Daily Extend before I left for work and decided to look but not look for a face in the wild, to just think about the idea and see what turned up. I saw a few possibilities on the drive from Chatham to Windsor but it was not until I was walking from the parking lot that I caught my first.

Mr. Tree waving me into work today!

tree face

This is the first one that I tweeted. But the idea did not leave me and later in the day, I found the one below in the rock beneath the balcony outside my office.

Woman in a storm, clutching her coat and hood against the wind.

woman in a storm


E is for Extend & E-Juice

Today’s Daily Extend from Ontario Extend, a Learning and Teaching professional development project, was to emphasize the letter E in a picture taken with my phone. I was to play with editing this photo to highlight and isolate the E.

E in e-juice
This excellent e-juice is almost e-mpty!

I had already decided that I was not going to overthink these exercises and would just do it. Sometimes, when taking a risk, I can get caught up in thoughts of “what do others expect” or “what if this is not good enough.” Bleh! My eye fell on the e-juice sitting on my desk. I quit smoking on December 23, 2015 with the help of e-cigarettes. I received my first mod as a gift, smoked my last two cigarettes reading the instructions and have not had a smoke since. I continue to enjoy vaping and recently, Canada E-juice opened a Vape Shop in Chatham, Ontario so now I have excellent e-juice available just minutes away! I took a picture of Strawberries and Creme with my phone.

It was a bit of a challenge to get my phone to focus on the bottle and not the background. Thankfully, I had a handy envelope and a container of Catnip! Here is the original photograph.


I don’t have many photo editing software packages on my home laptop, but I do have Techsmith’s Snag-it. Using Snag-it, I played with the magic wand feature after cropping the photo. Then I used the magnifying glass to enhance the E. I am fairly ecstatic with the result. I enjoyed trying a little editing!

Check out:

Ontario Extend https://extend.ecampusontario.ca/

Canada E-juice https://www.canadaejuice.com/

Techsmith Snag-it https://www.techsmith.com/

All links open in a new tab and I used 21 E words in this post!

Extend: Open Culture and Rijsk Museum

Screenshot showing art collections created by Irene Stewart

For the daily extend, part of Ontario Extend, we were to explore Open Culture, a website featuring collections and media that are shared freely on the internet. I was fascinated by Rijsk Museum in the Netherlands. Rijsk Museum digitized over 125,000 masterpieces of Dutch artists and you can explore and create your own collections. You can also remix these into a variety of projects use the whole work or just a small piece.  I created a couple of collections of pieces that resonated with me. I found this to be a new way to connect to my dutch heritage as well as a new way to interact with art.


Try it for yourself at Rijsk Studio https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/nl/rijksstudio

Also check out Open Culture http://www.openculture.com/

Note: All links open in a new tab.
